Video: A Marketing Manager’s Best Friend
Posted Under: Education | Written by James Prola

Reaching Your Audience
Let me start by admitting that I’m a fan of motion picture. That is what my degree is in and what I’ve been doing professionally for the past 11 years. Placing that bias aside as much as possible I’m here to tell you, or remind you, that video content can drastically improve your marketing strategy. You probably don’t need me to tell you that peoples’ attention spans are low and bounce rates are high. Who can blame them?
One minute of video is worth 1.8 million words[1]
We are constantly barraged with content and most of it just isn’t that good. People are forced to filter out the noise in order to simply stay sane. Users are bombarded with information and simply don’t have the time to pay attention to it all. So how do we reach them in a relevant and valuable way? Well, to put it simple… story!
Story is how we engage our audience in a deep emotional way. We all crave a good story. This is how we reach our audience and leave a deep impression. Its how we powerfully express and what we do and why we do it. And it is how we can provide value and build relationship.
The Power of Motion
Story is the key. The question then is, what is the most effective way to tell a story? Well we wouldn’t have written this article if we didn’t think we had the answer. Videos! Moving pictures have dazzled audiences since 1650 and proven its value ever since.
Homepage videos increase conversion rates by 20%[6]
We’ve come along way since the magic lantern, the phenakistoscope and the zoetrope. We can have the capability to reach across the globe by publishing on video content platform. Here are a few statistics to give you some perspective on the value of video:
- One minute of video is worth 1.8 million words[1].
- 59% of senior executives prefer watching a video rather than reading text and 65% of them visit the vendor’s site after viewing.[2]
- U.S. Internet users watched more than 10 billion videos online during the month[3]
- 92% of video views on mobile devices share the video with other[4]
- 70% of marketing professionals have reported that video converts better than all other mediums[5]
- Homepage videos increase conversion rates by 20%[6]
- Conversion rates can improve 80% when video is used on a landing page[7]
- 80% of the World’s traffic will be video by 2019[8]
Get Moving
Motion content is among the most consumable type of content on the web. It notoriously out-performs written content, and proves to be much more engaging than static images and designs.
80% of the World’s traffic will be video by 2019[8]
Think about the last time you researched an application, product or service, or compared competitors. It’s likely that you watched a video explaining their product or service if it was available. From the user’s standpoint it’s downright the easiest and most effective way to understand what the product, service or company is all about. From the company perspective it is arguably the most cost effective way to build a relationship, emotionally interact with your audience and to reach them in an incredibly engaging way.
[2] “Video in the C-Suite: Executives Embrace the Non-Text Web,” Forbes,, (December, 2010)
[3] Andrew Lipsman, “U.S. Internet Users Viewed 10 Billion Videos Online in Record-Breaking Month of December, According to comScore Video Metrix,”
[4] Invodo, “Invodo Video Statistics The Marketers Summary,”
[5] Tyler Lessard, “2015 Will Be the Year of Video Marketing,”
[6] Andrew Angus, “Why Explainer Videos Increase Conversion Rates by 20%,”
[7] Unbounce, “The Benefits of Using Video on Landing Pages,”
[8] Cisco, “Cisco Visual Networking Index: Forecast and Methodology, 2014-2019 White Paper,”