I’ve been up all night and all I have to show for it is this website
Posted Under: Updates | Written by Alan Dowling
We’ll call this the “soft launch.” This post is the first on the entirely new Immersus Media website that just got put up. As of this time and date, the new site doesn’t have all the final portfolio pieces nor does it have all the proper elements that should be in place. Of course, since you don’t know what those elements are, we are in pretty good shape.
Truth be told, my ten-year high school reunion is quite literally just days away and I thought I should probably get my act together and get this darn site launched – done or not. So to commemorate the awkwardness that is sure to abound in just a matter of days I give you (well not me – I’m just recommending the site) Awkward Family Photos! Seriously, do yourself a favor – and visit this site. But be forewarned, eager soul, the bottomless pit of awkward photos will suck you in.
More site updates and posts are to follow in the coming days (realistically next week since we leave for the reunion later today and won’t be back until Sunday). [Update: I’m a horrible, horrible liar.]